Thursday, February 4, 2010

Believe and Your Heart Will Be His

1 Jn 5:5-13 / Lk 5:12-16

Unless we've hit one of those terrible periods in our lives when everything fades into shades of grey and the hours hang heavy upon us, most of our days seem to pass with astonishing speed. And if we ever take the time to recreate one of our days, minute by minute, we'll be astonished to see how much we've crammed into so little space. No wonder that we seem to have so little time to think. No wonder we forget some of the most important things that we know.

In today's epistle, St. John reminds us of the most important of all of those things we forget. He says, "You who believe in the name of the Son of God ... (already) possess eternal life." It's astonishing but true, and it's something we'd all like to be a part of.

So what does it mean to 'believe in the name'? It involves a good deal more than a mere intellectual affirmation. It means nothing less than entrusting our very life into the care of God's son, and bonding our heart to his, so that his life flows into us and we are progressively reshaped into his likeness.

That bond is far too important to risk our forgetting it. So, as the hours and days go racing by, be sure to take some time to remember the one to whom your heart is bonded, the one who shares his life with you. Remember and give thanks.

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